
Tsunami: A Reflection of Unity

Banda Aceh, 26 December 2005

Exactly 365 days after the most devastating disaster of 9,0 on the Richter scale of Earthquake and followed with Tsunami high tide that hit most of coastal area of Nangroe Aceh Darusallam province, and most of Asia like Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Somalia as well. The tragedy has caused nearly two hundred thousands of life lost; thousands injured, destroying most of infrastructures also not to mention destroy some of peoples hope.

That Sunday morning of December 26, 2004, at exactly 08:16 mother earth unleashed her power and within 8 minutes later, at the least 10 meters high of tsunami from Indian ocean washed away whatever on its way.

As a matter of fact many of survivors are become vulnerable, man lost their job & family, women becomes widowed, and thousand of children are become orphan. But then, as world eyes have caught this as the most massive disaster for past 40 years, friends from all over the world unite for the sake of humanity.

Any international assistance, grants and fund enormously flood-in to Aceh people. But then any of that is just a small contribution to back on track. The biggest contribution is the willingness of the survivor to wake from this situation. And Acehnese people has proof it to the world that they’re strong enough stand and rebuild their homeland again, no matter how hard it is.

Then the world has also proved that this is a reflection of unity as human being. To help each other from suffering, pain and tears; to support friends to stand up once again for a better tomorrow.

May those who lost their soul rest and dwell in heavenly peace, and those survived may have the strength to live their life and build they dreams once more. Also those who helped to be bless upon their spirit.

“Life is beautiful, and it’s worth a struggle” (President of Indonesia, His Excellency. Mr. Dr. Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono – National Commemoration of the Tsunami, Ulee Lheue-Banda Aceh 26 December 2005)


Little baby Ilham's Birthday

Today, this day, 23 years ago. A tiny little woman delivers a baby. Exactly at 10 AM on December 22nd, 2005. With all the effort and power she had. The baby born into the world as he cried loud that morning. Then the baby’s father smile abode graciously from his face. And they named the baby: Ilham Ariawan. Today, these day. He already grew up into a young man. With a happiness, sadness, tribulations, and burdens in live he through.

At night, every year 15 minutes before 21 changed into 22 December, over a lit of candles or on open night air, he prays to God. Thanks to the Almighty for giving him such a blessed life with beloved families and friends. He asks the best for himself and for them to life.

As he grew up, he opens his heart to any happiness, sadness, tribulations and burdens. All intended to make him more mature and wise in facing this life. In time he changed as the age sum to it, he’ll be a new person, new image. But he promised that he’d be just the same old Ilham who always smile, cry, laugh, sarcastic, loveable, cranky, and whatsoever that his friend used to know him…

To my family and friends, I dedicate all my love to you. Thanks for always be there for me. For better or worse. May God blessed your soul.


Talking about the art of writing

What is exactly the art of writing? Well, I’m not in capacity to argue or creating a sort of definition about art neither does writing.

Pity, when writing consider as a freak one, as the writer writes what (s)he felt right from the bottom of the deepest heart. But then, or it shall consider as freaky at first until the author died, when it comes to a definition of art? Remember, how Van Gogh, Galileo, Shakespeare or JS Bach consider as lunatics of the art work they created?

One thing that should put in mind, that those persons had a dream. Which they’ve visualized over on the art work on after. And also the courage they got to put in their mind onto reality.

For example, when the author wrote about the urge of love (s)he felt, with all the ornaments needs to. Should we say it’s been exaggerated?

I know there’s always pro’s and cons’. But as if for me, people shouldn’t have concentrate only on the aspects over the output. Looking through whole process is worth a value of consideration. Digest each and every word. Then they can make their assessment or judgment fair and square.

Lyric: It's Hard To Say Goodbye

It’s Hard To Say Goodbye
Celine Dion feat. Paul Anka

Something in your eyes that’s far to revealing
Why must it’d be like this, a love without feeling
Something wrong with you I know, I see it in your eyes
Believe me when I say it’s gonna be okay

I told you from the start, I won’t be demanding
If you had the changed of heart, I’d be understanding
When love becomes a broken heart and dreams begin to die
Believe me when I say, we’ll work it out someway

I’ll never try to hold you back. I wouldn’t try controlling you
If it’s what you want, it’s what I want. I want what’s best for you
And if there’s something as that you’d looking for, I’d be the first to help you try
Believe me when I say it’s hard to say goodbye

We’ve lost that loving touch we used to feel so much
I try to hide the truth that’s in my eyes (a love without feeling)
But when I feel we’re not in love, I know I’m loosing you
Believe me when I say we’ll work it out someway

Surat hati ku untuk ego mu...

Aku ga ngerti kamu maunya apa. Menurut kamu aku terlalu ekspresif dan sensitif. Dan karena itu juga, kmu bilang aku terlalu cengeng dan rapuh. Parahnya lagi kamu anggap aku aneh…

Sekarang coba pikir, siapa yang lebih cengeng, rapuh dan aneh? Kamu apa aku?. Sejak kapan kesensitifan yang diungkapin lewat kata-kata dibilang jadi sesuatu yang aneh?. Mungkin iya terlihat cengeng, tapi belum tentu aku rapuh karena aku tulis perasaan ku. Kamu cuma liat hasilnya, kamu tutup mata buat keberanian aku ungkapin perasaan ku. Kamu cuma ga mau berusaha hargain perasaan aku.

Yang kamu pikirin cuma perasaan kamu aja. Kamu pikir cuma kamu yg sedih tentang jarak diantara kita? Aku juga!. Cuma bedanya aku lebih ekspresif dan kamu cenderung nutupin ego kamu. Untuk apa? Supaya kamu bisa keliatan lebih dewasa daripada aku?. Supaya kamu keliatan ga cengeng dan lebih tegar daripada aku?

Kamu juga mau aku berubah untuk ga cengeng dan apalah semua keinginan kamu. Aku rasa aku udah nyoba untuk berubah, mungkin hasilnya belum terlalu bisa dibilang bagus. Tapi kamu? Apa kamu pernah nyoba untuk berubah seperti yang aku mau?. Aku mau kamu ga egois, aku mau kamu lebih ekspresif. Tapi mana? kamu tetap jadi orang yang egois dan datar. Kecuali kalo kamu marah. Apa harus aku bikin kamu marah?

Kamu bilang aku terlalu nuntut dan ngejar-ngajar kamu. Kamu bilang aku ga mau ngertiin pekerjaan kamu lah. Salah besar! Aku selalu mencoba untuk ngertiin apa yang kamu lakuin

Tapi coba deh sekarang kita pikirin sama-sama. Apa aku terlalu berlebihan menuntut kamu?. Aku mau bukti kedewasaan kamu. Dan aku juga ingin ngerasa dihargai. Perasaan aku, juga pekerjaan aku

Pekerjaan aku menuntut aku harus jauh dari kamu sementara. Tapi menurut aku kedewasaan kamu seharusnya mengerti. Aku emang ga ada untuk kamu, dan kamu ga ada untuk aku secara fisik. Tapi aku akan selalu ada buat kamu, dan kamu selalu ada buat aku didalam hati. Aku juga ga mau mungkir kalo jarak ini ga buat aku sedih

Seperti di puisi yang aku tulis di CD yang aku kasih kamu. Aku sedih waktu kita harus berpisah dan aku tahu kamu juga ngerasain hal yang sama. Tapi aku coba untuk ga ngerasa sedih akan jarak kita. Buat aku, aku ga pernah takut sama masa depan, karena aku hidup di hari ini. Yang aku takut waktu itu adalah perpisahan. Tapi satu hal yang selalu aku ingat, cepat atau lambat, aku tahu, aku akan pulang ke kamu dan hanya buat kamu

Kalo kamu pikir aku udah melangkah terlalu jauh dan terlalu dalam ke kamu. Kamu benar, dan kayanya dunia ini tau apa yg aku rasain ke kamu. Karena memang itu yang aku rasain. Karena ketika aku berada didekat kamu, kamu selalu membuat aku menjadi orang yang lebih baik

Tapi aku minta maaf kalo ternyata perasaan aku menganggu kamu

At this point, aku udah ga bisa apa-apa lagi. Aku serahin semuanya ke kamu. Aku cuma berharap kamu masih mau berusaha untuk hubungan yang kita coba bangun ini. Because, I still want to see my sunshine when I wake up in Jakarta. But then, it takes two to tango.