
Surat Untuk Mama dan Papa

Selamat Ulang Tahun Mama. Katanya Mama sakit? Sakit apa kata dokter? Semoga bukan karena kepikiran yg di Indonesia yah. Ari ga mau mama mikir terlalu banyak. Papa juga. Mama-papa kan udah tua, udah waktunya nikmatin masa tua.

Udah cukup sakitnya mama waktu ngelahirin kita bertiga. Udah cukup sulitnya papa buat membesarkan anak2nya. Udah cukup airmata mama-papa buat menghidupi deni, ari, rani. Sekarang Ari mau mama nikmatin aja waktu2 disana, sama adik2 & ponakan mama, ngemong annabelle, jagain Eyang jg.

Cita2 ari cm satu, cuma mau Mama-papa bahagia diwaktu tua. Trs kalo mama blm tau, ari mau pindah kerja di Bali, emang sih gajinya ga segede disini, cm lbh permanen sedikit. One day, kaya yang ari pernah bilang ke rani, Ari mau Mama-papa honeymoon lagi, ke bali. Kemarin kan ke Bali-nya misah2 tuh.

Janji ya mam, mama ga mikirin yg disini dulu. Papa akan baik2 aja disni, kan ada ranie & deni yg ngerawat Papa. Ari juga, walaupun cuma bisa support dari jauh. Ga ada yg perlu disalahin dan disesalin. Semua nya udah kejadian, ambil hikmahnya aja. Ari yakin kita bisa melalui masalah ini. Inget kan wktu kejadian awal dulu? Toh semua akhirnya bisa berlalu.

Janji ya Mam. percayain aja semuanya sama Allah dan percya juga kalo anak2 mama bisa jagain papa nya.



Aksi Kucing

If any of you ever heard about recent release movie of Nia Dinata? Yes, it's called Berbagi Suami.

I don't want to talk about the movie, but one of the original Soundtrack of Berbagi Suami. If you have the album, or curious to buy it, go to the last track. There you'll find a song titled "Aksi Kucing". A friend of mine played it for me after the cello class. Awesome, such a vintage sound.

Then, a little while ago another friend played it again in his car. This time, this song seems very memorable and fun. Since this friend of mine is a bule and he sung it correctly, not to mention with his bule accent. Inspite of his adorable and funny (rather said, humorous) attitude that drive me even crazy about this song (and him), and also a funny lyric as well, what crossed in my mind was a picture of a small saloon in mid-1920's in old town Jakarta.

The music is like from an old grammophone. With a vintage voice of the singer (and amusing back-up singers). As for me it's so cool. So, here's the lyric.

Apa guna Bung, malu-malu kucing
Meong meong dibelakang suaranya nyaring
Jangan suka Bung, diam-diam kucing
Sudah menerkam sebelumnya berunding

Aksi Kucing membikin perselisihan
Salah-salah dari kawan jadi lawan
Salah paham Bung, karena Aksi Kucing
Urusan kecil bisa jadi meruncing


u've changed over a night. or maybe that nite u put on ur mask?

U've changed over a night. or maybe that nite u put on ur mask?. How can you say it to me? Is that what inside your head about me? I can't believe this word came out of you. Do u realize how severe is the damage may cause?

U ripped off my dignity. U torn my heart! And very much in pain because of you.

Maybe we should never met. If i can turn back time, it'll be the same. We'll keep hurting each other. I quoted the lyric from Usher's song - Separated, that i think describe what happen to us.

If love was a bird, then we wouldn't have wings
If love was a sky, we'd be blue
If love was a choir, you and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you

If love was an Oscar, you and I could never win. Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible, then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts

So why don't you go your way and I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

If love was a fire, then we have lost the spark
Love never felt so cold
If love was a light, then we're lost in the dark
Left with no one to hold

If love was a sport, we're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean, then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you

I know we had some good times. It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
You know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust, so I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry. It's killing me so, why don't you go